Control Products HS-700 Freezealarm Homesitter Multi-Functional Alarm Dialer with Audible Alarm

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The HomeSitter Alarm can be a multi-functional alarm dialer that's perfect for protecting any home whether or not this is often a vacation property, rental, multi-unit home, or perhaps your primary home that really needs protection while you might be away or at work. This unit will call up to three telephone numbers to notify you if the temperature within the home gets too hot or too cold. (if your furnace or air conditioner fails) This could prevent burst/frozen pipes, water damage, and mildew. The unit comes which has a water sensor to observe leaky pipes, burst washing machine hoses, or over-flowing sump pumps. You will even be notified if upon an electric outage which could affect appliances spoil freezers price of food. This unit not only calls you, but also sounds an audible alarm when ever you're home. This unit runs on regular power as well as 2-AA back-up batteries. (batteries not included) You will receive telephone call notification if your batteries need replacing as well. This all-in-one home protection unit requires no installation and no monitoring fees. It appears having a one-year warranty from your manufacturer.

HOME SITTER 4 WAY ALARM SYSTEM * Four way alarm protection to your home * Alerts you of low or high temperatures, water leaks, power outages with power out delay timer and low back up battery * Uses phone system to alert you remotely

Low/High temperature alarm call-out
Water Sensor to monitor leaky pipes, basement floods, over-flowing sump pumps, burst washing machine hoses.
Power outage alarm
Calls three telephone numbers and sounds an audible alarm
Low battery alarm

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